Life with FASD - Understand and Connect with Aroha
- A course for parents, grandparents, whānau and caregivers based in Tāmaki Makaurau.
Please note: this course runs for SEVEN weeks online via Zoom on Thursdays from 10.30am-12pm, starting on 28 July.
You're invited to join a free, Auckland-based pilot caregiver education and support course for whānau impacted by (or suspected to be impacted by) Fetal Acohol Spectrum Disorder.
What's it about?
This is an evidence-based training course with the objective of growing knowledge, developing greater resilience, learning strategies and meeting others who are also living with FASD in their families. The course was designed and authored by Professor Anita Gibbs, University of Otago. It has already run successfully for over 18 months in Australia with very positive feedback.
Anna Gundesen is the FASD-CAN Navigator and her co-facilitator is Leanne Brownie (Ngāpuhi nui tonu, Ngāti Pukenga ki Pakikaikutu). They both have a sound knowledge-base of FASD and developmental trauma and are experienced trainers who bring their lived experience of FASD to these courses.
When is it happening?
Thursdays 10.30am - 12 noon from 28 July to September 8, 2022
Seven sessions of 90 minutes each, delivered virtually on Zoom over a period of seven weeks.
Some of the feedback from the Australian course included the following responses to the question: "What was the most valuable part of the training for you?"
- “Gaining knowledge and peer stories.”
- “Being in a group of people who understand, and the facilitator having lived experience.”
- “Realising that we as a family unit are not the only ones going through this – and that there is light at the end of the tunnel.”
Both courses have strictly limited spaces and are beginning to fill up. If you think of anyone who may be interested, please pass this panui on to them ASAP, or call them to let them know of this opportunity.
Tracey, our Training Administrator, is happy to chat the course options through or to send through more info – just email her at [email protected] or call on 021 091 04421.
Places are strictly limited for this free pilot course! To register email Tracey at [email protected]