This presentation focuses on how understanding that FASD is a brain-based disorder helps to inform caregivers on how best to respond to behaviours often seen in FASD, and examines the importance of a true strengths-based approach.
Managing the stresses of caring for someone with FASD is inextricably linked with this understanding. There is also a discussion of the various stresses that caregivers experience and methods to manage them and care for oneself on an ongoing basis.
Dan Dubovsky has presented regionally, nationally and internationally on Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders, focusing especially on interventions for children, adolescents and adults. For this work, his son Bill has been his mentor and best teacher. Dan has provided training for people working in mental health and substance abuse treatment on loss and grieving, psychopharmacology, development, violence in youth, anger management, team building, stress and burnout, transitions and more.
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