Please note: This event is FREE for caregivers and whānau.
If you're a PROFESSIONAL we would appreciate a $25 donation – click here to donate.
If you feel a number of people in your professional organisation would benefit from watching this webinar and want to discuss a group rate, please get in touch!
Workshop information
Cristina Fon is a New Zealand-trained and registered clinical psychologist who has developed a specific interest in the area of FASD through her work within the justice, forensic and disability areas.
She has many years of experience with the Department of Corrections, but over the last 12 years she has been in private practice. FASD became a focus for her work after she was repeatedly asked to help individuals and whānau affected by the disorder.
Cristina embarked on a journey of research and discovery to find a model which showed how to work effectively with families affected by FASD. She found many ideas and strategies, but no cohesive model. This led to her undertaking international study, including a week-long course in Seattle with ‘Families Moving Forward’.
This workshop is a synthesis of information from her research and study working with challenging behaviours. Join Cristina for this special opportunity to hear her approach to managing them.
Cristina's website, Psychology Associates, Nelson, is here.
Note: If you have a professional working with you or your whānau, please follow their advice as they will have specific information on your situation.
Please note, registrations for this workshop will close at 9.20am on Saturday May 28 (10 mins before start).
It will NOT be recorded.