FASD-CAN Wallet Cards

As part of our ongoing initiatives to support people with FASD, their caregivers, families, and whānau, we have developed a set of cards you can carry with you at all times in case of need.

We'd like to acknowledge the work of many other international organisations before us to provide cards like this, and hope you will find them a useful addition to your kete of support strategies.

FASD cards are useful for letting other people know the supports you need to help you cope in specific situations.

There are three cards for people who have FASD and three for caregivers and whānau.

Click here to jump to our caregiver cards. 

Cards for people living with FASD

If you have FASD and you need to interact with people in stressful situations (you might even be having a meltdown), it's normal to find it hard to think clearly. In times like this, your ability to effectively communicate your needs and rights will almost certainly decrease, so it can be very useful to have a card like this to explain important things to the people around you without having to try and talk. 

We have developed three cards that you can use in different situations:

  • an INFORMATION card for any time you need to explain about FASD and its symptoms when out and about.

  • a MEDICAL card for use in any medical setting – if seeing a doctor or in an emergency situation
  • a POLICE card for if you are interacting with the New Zealand Police or other members of the justice system.

All of these cards can be personalised with your name and three support person's contact details. There is further information on the back of these cards – they are double sided and made to be folded in half down the centre. Scroll down to see print-at-home instructions.

Information Card

The information card can let people around you in the community know what’s happening if you are having difficulties when you're out and about. You can hand it to a nearby person to read (perhaps while you sit down and do some calm breathing, or take some timeout). If necessary, you could ask them to call one of your support people. Click here to download.

Medical Card 

The FASD medical card lets medical professionals like doctors, nurses, and emergency responders know you have a brain-based disability or mental health condition, how this affects you, and what they can do to support you in medical situations. If necessary, you could ask them to call one of your support people. Click here to download.

Police Card 

We encourage people with FASD to present and use the FASD police card if you are interacting with the police and other areas of the justice system. This can include the district court, lawyers, parole officers, or other people in authority who have the power to charge you with a crime or an offence of some kind. 

This card should be presented whether you are being questioned formally or informally because it gives important information about the way your brain works. The FASD police card also lists the contact details for your support people who can be called to support you. Click here to download.

How to print the cards

• The templates are provided in pdf format.

• It's best to print on light card if possible. You can buy this at Warehouse Stationery – ask staff which thickness of card will work for your printer.

• Access each card by clicking on the pictures above. You can download them and open them in a programme like Preview, and use the type tool to type in your details. If this is too hard, no problem – you can write your details in by hand once your card/s are printed out.

 Important: in your printer's dialogue box, click 'double sided' then SCALE TO 85%. This will be roughly business card sized when folded in half. 

• Once printed, cut the card out, fold and keep in your wallet.

• To keep the FASD card/s in good condition we recommend placing them in a clear card sleeve cover. 

If you don’t have a printer at home, you can email the file to a local printer (or download it to a memory stick and take it to them) and ask them to print it on light card. Warehouse Stationery stores are usually very helpful – click here to find one near you.  

How to keep a digital copy of your card on your phone

An alternative to keeping a hard copy of the cards in your pocket or wallet.

Once the cards are printed and filled in with your details, just take a photo of the front and back of each with your phone. Then either add to your 'favourites' in your photos, create an optional wallpaper with them, or upload to your Notes on your phone – you can 'pin' the photos to the top of your Notes folder so they are always there and you can click through to them easily to show people your details.

Practice using the FASD cards

When stressed or upset, you often forget things or find it hard to communicate – this is even harder for someone with FASD. You might forget you have your card/s! This is why we recommend practicing and role playing situations as to when and how you would use these FASD wallet cards. Get a friend or whānau member to help you create a pretend 'stressful' situation where you need to say who you are and what has happened – and then practice remembering to get your card out to show them!


  • Don’t forget, you can re-print and change your support information any time you need to. 

  • We would love your input on these cards – let us know if you think any of the details on there are unnecessary, or you think more or different details need to be added, or you can think of a better way to do this! Email Kim Milne at [email protected] with any suggestions. 

  • We are working on developing an easier digital information card or app – we’ll keep you posted.


Cards for caregivers, parents and whānau

You know your person with FASD best. Is assistance during a meltdown going to be helpful or make things worse? Caregivers, family and whānau can use these cards in a meltdown situation, or even use them pre-emptively if they notice known environmental and sensory triggers in their location, or if there is an increased agitation or dysregulation in their child’s behaviour.  

We have developed two cards for caregivers that you can use in different emergency situations: a 'Do not intervene' card and an 'I need help' card. They have further information on the back – download to read.

Our third card is simply for handing to people who may be interested in FASD – an information card which will take them to our website to find out more. 

Printing the cards

• If you'd like to print a number of these cards we have set them up with 10 to each page.

• You can easily print at home – we'd recommend that you purchase some light card to print them on. Try Warehouse Stationery – ask a staff member what thickness your printer can handle.

• In the printer dialogue box, click 'double sided'. 

• The cards will line up front and back and you can carefully cut them out (a craft knife or scalpel with ruler and cutting mat is best).

• You may find it easier to get them printed at your local printer – simply give them the link to this page and let them know which card you want and how many, or send them the downloaded file.

'Do Not Intervene' card

This card can be given to nearby people during a meltdown to help educate the general public about FASD, to stop unfair judgement of your parenting skills, unhelpful comments, suggestions or body language from onlookers that can make things worse. 

Click here to download full page for print.


'I Need Help' card

Sometimes dysregulation in people living with FASD can result in such frustration that lashing out can be a possibility. This can be used if you are being, or are likely to be physically hurt during a meltdown. Caregivers and whānau must ensure their own safety and if members of the public do not know the situation they may be reluctant to intervene.

Click here to download full page for print.

FASD Info card

One of our members requested this card at the FASD-CAN Hui 2023. She said 'sometimes people ask me about FASD and I'd love to educate them – but I will usually have my children with me and I don't necessarily want to talk about it in front of them.' We thought that was a great idea, so here it is. 

Click here to download full page for print.