FASD Month Events 2022

See you there


September 01, 2022 at 9:00am - October 01, 2022




Kathy Hunter

FASD Month Events 2022

There are many FASD awareness events happening around Aotearoa in 2022! The following is by no means an exhaustive list and there will hopefully be much more to come – email [email protected] with your event to have it featured here!


National / Online

Tuesday September 6, 7.45pm

Webinar: What Works at School for Tamariki and Rangatahi Māori with FASD

If you missed out on this, it will be recorded and will be up on our post-webinar recordings page by the end of September. 


Friday September 9, 9am

Webinar on International FASD Awareness Day: 'FASD in Aotearoa – Where We Are Now'.

Alcohol Healthwatch and FASD-CAN co-host this important webinar with a stellar cast of presenters who will look at recent development and future challenges around FASD in Aotearoa. Click here to go to the event for more information, and here for the Zoom link.

The webinar will be recorded and will be up on our post-webinar recordings page by the end of September. 


Te Tai Tokerau / Northland 

Dave Hookway at Northland DHB has announced the 2022 dates for three FREE wananga for FASD Awareness Month.

Protecting Our Whakapapa - Understanding and Responding to FASD

These are ideal for those looking to have a foundation knowledge of the effects from prenatal alcohol exposure, alcohol use and pregnancy, and Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD). You will learn what FASD is, why it occurs, how it manifests, the important key messages, advice to share and much, much more… nau mai haere mai!

Bookings strictly limited, so please reserve your space early.

Please click on the links below for your area if you wish to attend to complete the FREE online registration (if at a later date you find that you are unable to attend – please save the email and cancel via your acceptance link). 

Protecting our Whakapapa - Understanding and Responding to FASD – Whangarei - 7th September 

Protecting our Whakapapa - Understanding and Responding to FASD – Midnorth-Kerikeri - 13th September

Protecting our Whakapapa - Understanding and Responding to FASD - Kaitaia - 22nd September


Tāmaki Makaurau

9 September, 6.30pm

We have our second Pizza Club night, hosted by FASD Aotearoa in Albany for rangitahi 16 and over (parents welcome too!) All details here.



• FASD Awareness presentation

• Engagement stall in the square

• FASD Support Group open all day to see how it works

• Red Shoes rock paintings

More info coming!



FASD Family Day

Saturday 10 September, 10:30am – 1:30pm

Venue: Fossil Creek Farm, 100 Garden Valley Road, Wairoa Valley, Brightwater

Who For: Anyone living with FASD, their friends and families

BBQ lunch and drinks provided!

RSVP to [email protected] or phone/text Kirsty 027 5679 571 by 1 September.


Launch of the Nelson FASD Charitable Trust

Monday 12 September, 1-3pm

Our aim is to provide education, advocacy and support for those affected by FASD in the Nelson/Tasman region.

  • To celebrate the launch of FASD Nelson Charitable Trust
  • Hear what is happening in Nelson for those with FAS
  • Provide your suggestions of how the trust can benefit those affected by FASD in our community

Venue: Impact Church, Halifax St, Nelson

Who For: Anyone with an interest in FASD Agencies/Professionals supporting those with FASD

Afternoon tea provided!

RSVP to [email protected] or phone/text Kirsty 0275 679 571 by 1 September.