Our annual, full-day Hui this year will be in Henderson, West Auckland – we have locked in an excellent venue.
Our theme is ‘Growing up with FASD in Aotearoa’ and the programme is now finalised – it will have great appeal for caregivers, professionals and people with FASD too.
A series of speakers will address the issues, interventions and supports for each stage of life for FASD, from childhood to adult, including the education system, with a combination of presentations from professionals and caregivers on each topic.

A voice for individuals with FASD
This year we encourage you to bring your rangatahi (16+) to the Hui. We've realised that the voices of those with FASD are largely unheard in Aotearoa and we want Hui 2022 to provide a platform for those affected by prenatal alcohol exposure to develop mutual support networks, and to enable them to articulate their own lived experiences. It will also be an opportunity for caregivers, whānau and professionals to support the voices of those with FASD and their advocacy for FASD awareness throughout Aotearoa.
In the morning of the Hui there'll be a fun networking opportunity just for those with FASD to meet, mingle, and share among themselves their life journeys. In the afternoon there will be a session where we hear the voices of our individuals with FASD. There will be be talks of relevance to this group too – on financial supports, employment, sexuality, transitions to adulthood.
Guest speakers
In the main hall we will have a range of guest presenters speaking on:
FASD in Aotearoa
disability and human rights for people with FASD
the diagnosis process and its value
FASD and education (including the FASD-CAN education survey results, the 5S model in schools - a working model for supporting a child at school and navigating the school system)
financial support available for those with FASD and their caregivers or whānau
sexuality and neurodisability
navigating transition to adulthood
research on professional workforce awareness and understanding of FASD in Aotearoa.
We then have parallel break-out sessions to be confirmed.
The Annual General Meeting of FASD-CAN will be held during the hui. FASD-CAN members and others interested are encouraged to attend – hear what we've been doing and where we are going!
1. Travel Grants
• If you are a caregiver of an individual with FASD, OR an individual with (or suspected to have) FASD, you will be eligible to apply for a travel grant from FASD-CAN which will be reimbursed after the Hui (except in special circumstances, see below).
• If financial constraints will prevent you from coming to the Hui, please email us ([email protected]) to discuss how we may be able to help you get there.
• How much you can apply for will depend on where you are in NZ.
• Individuals with FASD will be eligible for grants in their own right.
• The travel grant fund is limited – we may not be able to subsidise late applicants.
• Full details about the grant are provided after you RSVP – you'll be directed to a simple application form at that stage.
2. Fees for professionals
If you are a caregiver or individual with FASD, the hui is free to attend. If you are a professional working with individuals with FASD, there is a small fee of $60 to attend the Hui. Once you have RSVP'd you'll be directed to a payment page.
3. Accommodation
Great news! We have come to an agreement with the closest accommodation to the Hui, the Quest Apartment Hotel.
Quest has kindly agreed to a reduced rate for our Hui-goers – but be quick as one- and two-bedroom apartments are limited!
Book yours now by calling Quest on 09 8397247 and book using the code FASD.
Sign up to newsletters, join up or follow FASD-CAN on Facebook to stay updated.
We’d love to see you this spring. All are welcome, nau mai, haere mai!