Inclusive Access to Justice – Research Papers

Inclusive, FASD-informed access to justice is essential. For those within the sector, these papers on the subject will be helpful. 

• Flannigan K et al (2018) Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder and the criminal justice system: A systematic literature review.
International Journal of Law and Psychiatry (57, 42-52). Click here to read.

• Harding K and Whittingham L (2021) Framing Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder. Policy, practice and research using the United Nations Convention on the rights of persons with disabilities (CanFASD policy paper). Click here to read.

• FASD Justice Resource (2019) FASD Centre Aotearoa. Click here to read.

• Brookbanks et al (2022) – Unfitness to stand trial and Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder: Understanding and responding to FASD within the criminal justice system in New Zealand.  Click here to read.

The Donald Beasley Foundation, Dunedin

The Donald Beasley Foundation in Ōtepoti Dunedin, is a leader in the field of disability research, recognised at a national and and international level. They particularly focus on inclusivity for those with intellectual disabilities and are 'committed to ethical, inclusive and transformative research and projects that promote the rights of disabled people'.

In the 'Access to Justice' section on their website, they have some excellent resources for those interested in how justice for those with neurodisabilities can best be served.
Click here to browse.