Listen to this great podcast about Kenny LaJoy and his book 'It’s OK To Be You – Living Well with FASD or Other Disabilities'.
Kenny started his life in an orphanage in Kyrgyzstan, but at the age of eight moved to the USA when he was adopted by the LaJoy family.
Kenny manages a pizza store and has recently written a book in which he talks about his journey towards acceptance and how those with FASD can live better with their disability.
In this episode of Jeff Noble's FASD Success Show, Jeff reviews the book and also talks to Kenny about his inspiration. They talk about who his biggest supporters and helpers are and how they guide him, tools and strategies that help him regulate and overcome “stinking thinking” (negative thoughts), and how he finds meaning in his days and life – and his hopes and dreams for the future.
Click here to listen to the podcast!
You can now buy Kenny's book online – click here.