This new (March 2023) online e-course was developed alongside the guide Moving Towards FASD-Informed Care In Substance Use Treatment (see separate tab). Both serve to outline current practices that can support individuals with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) who are in treatment for substance use.
The course is self-driven and is available online at any time.
High levels of alcohol and drug misuse are reported for individuals with FASD. The brain-based differences that people with FASD have contribute to challenges engaging or remaining in substance use treatment. These difficulties are above and beyond the many other barriers that can exist for anyone seeking treatment.
The course includes four primary section that contain a total of 17 modules of content:
- Understanding the Person
- Applying an FASD Lens to the Treatment Cycle
- Enhancing Program Practices to be FASD-Informed
- Enacting Person-First Program Philosophies
A certificate will be provided to each participant upon completion.
Click here to find out more and register for the course ($US30).