Our social media pages all have an active following.
FASD-CAN Inc | Facebook
This is our ‘public’ page – primarily for announcements and news items relating to FASD. It has an international readership.
FASD-CAN NZ Professionals & Parents Group | Facebook
This page is open to all and provides an information exchange and discussion forum on matters relating to FASD in New Zealand. It's updated regularly.
FASD-CAN NZ Parent and Carer Support Group | Facebook
You need to be a member of FASD-CAN to access this page. It's open to caregivers and family members, including those with FASD, in New Zealand. It is a useful and much-used forum to discuss family issues and to hear about what's happening regarding FASD in Aotearoa. You'll find regular updates and frank discussion of FASD matters here.