There are a number of routes that can be taken towards an FASD diagnosis. It's never easy – but it's worth it.
• Privately
This is often the route caregivers or whānau go down, IF they have the resources, but it can be prohibitively expensive and there may be long waitlists. See our interactive map for services currently available around the country.
• Oranga Tamariki / Permanent Caregiver Support Services (PCSS)
If your child is being fostered by you, and they are under OT care or your child is eligible for PCSS support then they may pay for diagnosis.
• Ministry of Education
The other avenue is through the MoE (your learning support coordinator / SENCO / RTLB should know more about this) which may apply if you and the school are facing severe behavioural issues – this route can also be funded.
• Youth Justice
If a young person with FASD does end up in trouble with the law (see our advice around this here), the courts may send them for funded diagnosis. However early intervention will always have the best outcomes.