We've had many requests for more information on Te Whare o Oro in the wake of our most popular webinar to date, 'What Works for Tamariki and Rangatahi Māori with FASD in Schools' on Tuesday September 6, (recorded here). Dr André McLachlan spoke about it briefly in that webinar, and in this one, he'll be going into much more detail.
Te Whare o Oro is a framework based on te ao Māori concepts that represents how the brain develops and works. This framework incorporates Bruce Perry’s neuro-sequential model of neurodevelopment (read article here), Te Whare Tapa Whā and Ngā Pou o te Wharenui.
This webinar will explore taking a brain-based approach to understanding and supporting ākonga Māori with FASD through Te Whare o Oro.
Note: Te Atawhai o te Ao are creating a written resource on Te Whare o Oro which will be released in a few months. Sign up to our newsletters or follow us on Facebook to stay updated.
Who is this for?
It will be of interest to both caregivers/whānau who are caring for a child with FASD as well as professionals/social workers who work with tamariki Māori with FASD or are interested in FASD.
Please note that this webinar will not be recorded so please make time to come along on the night.
Our presenter
Dr André McLachlan (Ngāti Apa / Ngāti Kauae, Muaūpoko / Ngāti Pāriri) is a Clinical Psychologist and researcher at Te Rau Ora and WINTEC.
For many years now André has led the advancement of innovative and dynamic kaupapa Māori-based therapeutic resources. He nurtures rangatahi who enter into this field and has maintained an integral role of manākitanga for emerging Māori psychologists, both informally as a leader in clinical psychology, and formally as a lecturer for Otago University and Wintec.
He continues to develop pioneering methods of engaging with whānau with complex mental health and addictions needs. André and his partner Sarah-Jane McLachlan, who is a teacher, have lived experience of tamariki with FASD in their care.
Please note: registrations for this webinar will close ONE HOUR before the event begins.
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