Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder IS trauma – pre-birth trauma – but depending on the situation most tamariki and rangatahi are also dealing with other trauma in their lives, often at multiple other levels.
Students with FASD endure stress and bullying at school, they may have been fostered or adopted, or they may come from homes where FASD is intergenerational, with violence or substance use as added factors. (However, let's not forget that FASD can be an outcome in any family – it 'knows no tax bracket', and the main indication of its prevalence is the fact that 50% of pregnancies in Aotearoa are unplanned.)
This American booklet has been vetted by our EAG (Educational Advisory Group). It contains sections on relationship-based strategies, classroom and teaching strategies, safety in the classroom and an excellent section on trauma-based activities.
Click here to download.