Webinar: Focus on Health – the Clinician's Perspective

See you there


September 27, 2022 at 12:00pm - 1pm




Kathy Hunter

Who's coming along

Webinar: Focus on Health – the Clinician's Perspective



There will be a recording available within approximately one week.


A chance to hear from two clinicians based in Taranaki, both with many years of experience working with people with FASD. You’ll learn about the various medications for FASD and how they work, sleep issues, advice on communicating your diagnosis to other cross-sector professionals and more FASD-specific health developments.

This webinar will be useful to individuals with FASD and caregivers/whānau who are caring for an individual who is diagnosed with OR suspected to have FASD, but professionals requiring some general information on consultation issues in order to support whānau will also find it beneficial 

Note: there will be ten minutes at the end of the webinar for questions.

Our presenters

Raimond Jacquemard is a paediatrician in Taranaki. He has a special interest in working with tamariki with developmental disabilities. He has more than 10 years experience in multidisciplinary assessment and management of children with FASD.  

Anna Carré is a neuropsychologist working with the Child Development Team in Taranaki.  Her career has been focused on the field of intellectual and neurodevelopmental disability. Anna’s work is primarily assessment and diagnosis, and working with families and professionals to support understanding and management of children and young people with neurodiversity. 

Please note: registrations for this webinar will close ONE HOUR before the event begins.

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