If you missed out, it will be recorded and will soon be available on our post-webinar recordings page here.
Our presenters will be sharing their lived experiences of the education journeys they have travelled alongside tamariki and rangatahi with FASD in their care. Join us for a kōrero presented by much-respected Māori leaders in their fields to hear what works at school for ākonga Māori.
Dr André McLachlan Ngāti Apa (Ngāti Kauae), Muaūpoko (Ngāti Pāriri) is a clinical psychologist and certified addictions counsellor who has worked in youth services and mental health. For many years now André has led the advancement of innovative and dynamic kaupapa Māori-based therapeutic resources. He nurtures rangatahi who enter into this field and has maintained an integral role of manaakitanga for emerging Māori psychologists, both informally as a leader in clinical psychology, and formally as a lecturer for Otago University and Wintec. He continues to develop pioneering methods of engaging with whānau with complex mental health and addictions needs. André and his partner Sarah-Jane McLachlan, who is a teacher, have lived experience of tamariki with FASD in their care.
Diana Kawana (Ngā Wairiki) is currently employed at Te Puni Kōkiri as a Regional Coordinator, and has 14 years working alongside Watene Māori residing in Palmerston North. Passionate about the betterment of hapū, iwi and Māori organisations, Diana has worked in education for Te Wananga o Aotearoa and is a member of other governance boards. Her children and mokopuna have come through Te Kōhanga Reo and Kura Kaupapa o Mana Tamariki advocating for the revitalisation of Te Reo Māori. She has lived experience around challenges faced while raising a tamaiti with FASD over the last 14 years.
Hine Te Arorangi has grown up in Te Ao Māori, tikanga and Te Reo Māori. She has a degree in psychology and is working closely with a member of her own extended whānau with FASD.
Kiri Key (Te Arawa, Te Rarawa, Ngaati Maru, Ngaati Paoa and Savai’i Samoa) is a kaiwhakaako of te reo Māori and tikanga with lived experience of what works in schools for tamariki Māori experiencing neurodiversity. Her holistic approach is based on both her personal experience and her years as a teacher.
Please note: registrations for this webinar will close ONE HOUR before the event begins.
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