We have created some downloadable flyers which can be printed and given to the relevant people to help educate, support and upskill them around FASD.

Overview pānui
Our single-sided flyer with up-to-date facts and mythbusters about FASD is perfect to print out for noticeboards, or sending to friends, family members, educators and other professionals.
Download it here.
Communicating FASD-style
Our double-sided KISSSSSS (Keep it Short, Simple, Same, Slow, Specific & Show) strategy is helpful for anyone who needs to communicate with people who have FASD.
Download it here.
For Caregivers
Our one-page 'I am a Caregiver' flyer details the requirements of a tamariki / rangatahi and adult with FASD, with some of the challenges and strategies in your role as their caregiver.
Download it here.
For Educators
LORRRRSSSS (LORS) not LAWS is a double-sided pānui for educators with a handy mnemonic. It covers the basics when setting up a positive environment at school or kura for ākonga with FASD. As we know, 'normal' laws don't tend to work that well for neurodiverse students, and everyone in the class does better when the way their brains work is understood and their needs are met. The letters stand for: Learning style, Observation, Relationship, Repetition, Role models, Routine, Self-esteem, Sensory overload, Strengths, Supervision & scaffolding
Each of these topics has an expanded explanation on the back of the flyer.
Download it here.

Hey Teacher!
Our double-sided flyer for educators can be used by educators as a first-response resource for a quick reminder of strategy when dealing with ākonga with FASD.
Download it here.
'I am' pānui – this is one-page info sheet about your student which is filled in by whānau and given to you. It's helpful for kaiako to have individualised info that they can keep on file to refer to, which gives helpful tips about a child's specific strengths, challenges and tips on strategies that work for that individual – because the people who usually know your student best are their parents or caregivers!
It's an interactive Word document that whānau can type straight into. We've also included an example sheet that's already filled in.
Download the sample file here and the blank document for caregivers to fill in here.
For all Support Staff (including educators)
• This one-page flyer is helpful for any support staff and has 11 informative strategies on specific challenges for those with FASD around memory and organisation, focus and attention, impulsivity and inhibitions and emotional regulation.
Download it here.
For Justice Workers and Police
This double-sided flyer gives some basic introductory information about FASD to police and justice workers.
Click here to download.
For Employers
FASD-CAN's double-sided pānui for employers of people with FASD is intended to be used as a strategy reminder for supporting their employees
Click here to download.
Extra information
• Ten Brain Domains – this one-page info sheet shows the parts of the brain that are required to be significantly affected to get an FASD diagnosis.
Click here to download.