Ma te kaha o te kaha, te aratohu me te whakaaro nui, ka tupu te tipu me te whakatutuki i te hunga ki te FASD.

With shared strength, guidance and wisdom, those with FASD can grow and achieve.

Tēnā koutou! Nau mai haere mai ki a FASD-CAN. Hello! Welcome to FASD-CAN.

FASD-CAN (Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Care Action Network) is a New Zealand-based, non-profit, incorporated society made up of parents, caregivers, extended whānau and professionals. 

Most of our board members have been through the FASD journey with their own children. With lived experience, we know what you're going through and we know what you need.

Our vision is to ensure wider public knowledge of FASD, to push for more access to disability support and services, and to help understand and support individuals with FASD and their caregivers so they can live their best lives. 

Ko ā mātou mahi | What we do

ka whakamāramatia we inform

We provide general information, help with diagnosis, funding, the justice system, housing and more on your FASD journey.

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ka whakaakona we educate

There's so much to know about FASD – we have info for educators, employers, health professionals and the justice sector.

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ka tautokohia we support

We have tips and strategies, webinars, crisis support, contacts and educational material for caregivers and whānau.

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ka hapahāpai we advocate

We advocate for the rights, interests, welfare and inclusion of people with FASD in Aotearoa New Zealand, including the right to have their disability recognised.

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ka tūhonoa we connect

We coordinate and run whānau and caregiver support groups nationwide and partner with other disability groups, carers and inclusive education groups. 

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ka whakaaraara mōhiotanga we raise awareness

We aim to increase awareness and understanding of FASD, reduce stigma and increase knowledge of this neurodisability in Aotearoa New Zealand.

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Tō Mātou Pūrākau Matua | Feature Story

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Anna's Story: The Navigator

Anna Gundesen took on the newly-created role of Navigator in Tāmaki Makaurau for FASD-CAN in July, 2021. Her job was to provide hands-on support for caregivers, whānau, professionals and individuals using a brain-based approach to parenting and education.

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Every year up to 3000 Kiwi babies are born with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD). It's permanent brain damage caused by alcohol exposure in the womb.

Ko mātou tēnei | Who we are

He kōrero anō e pā ana ki a FASD More about FASD

Alcohol is a 'teratogen' – a substance that reaches the baby in utero and can change the structure and function of developing organs. Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder is a lifelong brain injury that will not 'get better'. But if diagnosed early enough, the effects can be mitigated. 

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E pā ana ki a mātou About us

We're a group of committed caregivers and whānau, service providers and health professionals. We meet regularly to discuss current issues relating to FASD in New Zealand, and how our organisation can grow public awareness and support families working through their FASD challenges.

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Tūhono mai  | Become a member

Tūhono mai | Become a member

Sign up to receive more information such as relevant news or events – it’s free, there’s no requirement for input from you, and there are some great benefits built in. By joining FASD-CAN you’ll gain access to specific resources, advocacy, webinars and hui, and you'll be sent a free printed copy of our Handbook.

But even better – by becoming part of our team, you’d be helping us out. Staying informed and sharing information with others means you’ll be walking alongside us as we campaign for those impacted by FASD for the right to live their best lives.

Join us now!

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Ko ō mātou kaitautoko | Our Funders

FASD-CAN is grateful for support from the Rātā FoundationNikau Foundation, Foundation North, the Womens' Christian Temperance Union, The Tindall Foundation, CAYAD, Te Whatu Ora and Oranga Tamariki. For information on becoming a funder or sponsor please contact us at [email protected]

 Rata Foundation                           

Ko ngā Takahanga | Upcoming Events

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