Life with FASD: Understand and Connect with Aroha
A FREE two-day wananga / training course for whānau - grandparents, parents and caregivers caring for someone with FASD (diagnosis not required). Nau mai, haere mai - all are welcome.
Please note: this training is NOT for professionals working with those impacted by FASD.
FASD-CAN is grateful for Tony Kake’s (CE at the Marae) manaakitanga in supporting this event, hosting us and providing the kai! The experience will be greatly enhanced by the beautiful surroundings and tautoko / support by Tony and his kaimahi / staff.
Click here to read more about Papakura Marae.
Need to know
• This free training is over two days, Friday and Saturday 17th and 18th May, 2024.
• You'll be required to attend BOTH days.
• It will run from 9.30am to 2.30pm on Friday (*with noho marae option, see note below) and 9am to 3pm on Saturday.
• A delicious morning tea and lunch is provided free on both days.
* There will be an optional opportunity to attend a noho marae (sleeping over on the marae) on the Friday night. A whānau evening with dinner is available plus a bonus session to be advised. You can confirm closer to the time if you'd like come for dinner and noho.
What's it about?
This course is for those who are caring for someone who has, or may have FASD. It is an evidence-based training with the objective to grow knowledge, develop greater resilience, learn strategies and meet others who also have FASD in their whānau.
Our training has been run very successfully in Aotearoa over the last two years in Tāmaki Makaurau/Auckland, Whangarei, Te Whanganui-a-Tara/Wellington, Ōtautahi/Christchurch and Whakatū/Nelson, Rotorua, and twice as a 7-week online course.
FASD-CAN Navigators Anna Gundesen (Tāmaki Makaurau / Auckland) and Ruruhana Brownie (Te Tai Tokerau / Northland) bring their lived experience to this course, alongside their sound knowledge-base of FASD and developmental trauma. This is a 'NO blame, NO shame' course, run by professionally-qualified parents who have lived experience of FASD.
Feedback from attendees
What was the most valuable part of the training for you?
“The lived experience of facilitators was a huge benefit.”
“Easy flow, unhurried; exceptional marae; generosity and wellbeing; hauora, mauri ora.”
"That we are not alone and there is hope."
"Connection. An extended village. Understanding. Support."
"Filling my tank and personal sense of belonging through being with others who ‘get it’. This has strengthened my compassion and encouragement for the way forward."
You can click here to read an article about our first caregiver training sessions in 2022, with input from participants and facilitators about what it was like delivering the FASD training which was so empowering for those who took part.
What's next?
Once you’ve hit the Sign Up button, you'll receive a confirmation email with more detailed information about the course and facilitators, and our Training Administrator, Paige Saxby, will contact you within a few days to help you make the most of this opportunity (and find out if you will attend the noho marae).
• There are limited spaces in this training and priority will be given to members of FASD-CAN if it becomes overloaded. It's free to join, with no obligation on your part – and you'll receive a free hardcopy of our Aotearoa-based FASD handbook. Click here to join us.