When we learnt that educators in Aotearoa wanted more information about how to best support our neurodiverse Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) learners, we decided to set up a new initiative called the FASD Ngā Tupu Rau Group for Educators.
The FASD Ngā Tupu Rau group meetings take place online on a Tuesday between 4pm and 5pm, avoiding the holidays. Educators with specialised experienced in FASD will facilitate each zui and we expect some interesting presenters.
Once you've registered to join the group, you’ll receive an email with a Zoom link and a list of meeting dates for the 2024 year, so you can schedule them into your diaries in advance.
You are welcome to join the FASD Ngā Tupu Rau group at any point.
Please go to our information page and fill in our quick registration form to become part of the group.