Research has shown that educators in Aotearoa NZ want more information about how to best support our neurodiverse learners. In response we set up the FASD Ngā Tupu Rau Group for Educators.
The FASD Ngā Tupu Rau group meetings take place online once a term on a Tuesday between 4pm and 5pm, avoiding the holidays. Our facilitators have specialised experience in FASD and they will be presenting on topics of interest to educators. Guest presenters may also be involved.
Once you've registered to join the group, you’ll receive an email with a Zoom link. Before each meeting you'll receive a reminder email, but please put the following dates in your diary!

Meeting dates for 2025
• Term One – 4 March (see left - click image for larger tile to share with colleagues!)
• Term Two – 3 June
• Term Three – 19 August
• Term Four – 4 November
You are welcome to join the FASD Ngā Tupu Rau group at any point.
Please click here to find out more and fill in our quick registration form – and please do pass this info on to your workmates!