Research has shown that attending support groups can be extremely positive for stressed parents and caregivers. Attending one can reduce the sense of isolation which can be all too common, provide a safe place to discuss issues (and realise that others are going through similar experiences and you're not alone!), increase both emotional support and knowledge/strategies, and provide many more positive and empowering effects.
To this end FASD-CAN has been building a team of invested, FASD-informed support group facilitators around the motu, who meet kanohi ki te kanohi / face to face, usually on a monthly basis. See the list below.
If you would like to become a volunteer facilitator for parents and caregivers in your area, please get in touch with us. We provide some training and support – and a little funding for tea and cake!
Monthly ONLINE support group
In April 2023 we launched an online support group which all caregivers and whānau are warmly invited to join, whether you have a local, in-person support group or not. You can join in at any time. Our online group is facilitated by FASD-CAN staff and long-term members, all of whom have lived experience of raising a person with FASD and are highly FASD-informed.
Our online support group meets monthly on the first Thursday each month between 12.30-1.30pm (note, we hope to launch an evening group in 2025 – join us as a member to stay updated on this and many other subjects!)
Find out more about our online support group and register here.
FASD-CAN Regional Support Groups
Below is a list of FASD-CAN's kanohi ki te kanohi / face-to-face support groups in Aotearoa.
North Island
This group is facilitated by RuruHana Brownie, our Te Tai Tokerau FASD-CAN Navigator.
RuruHana has a long career in supporting whānau who are doing it tough. Since mid-2022 she has been facilitating our ‘Life with FASD’ caregiver trainings alongside Anna Gundesen, our Navigator in Tāmaki Makaurau. RuruHana’s wonderful empathy and experience working with whānau has been a lifeline for many.
This group meets on the last Thursday of every month from 10.30-12.30pm in Whangārei. If you are new and wish to join in (nau mai haere mai!) please contact RuruHana on the email below so she can ensure there's an appropriate venue for the numbers!
Contact RuruHana if you are interested in joining a support group in Whāngarei: [email protected]
Tāmaki Makaurau
Central-West – Blockhouse Bay
This long-standing group meets on the second Tuesday of every month at 7pm – 8.45pm in the lounge of the Church of the Saviour, 2 Heaphy St, Blockhouse Bay. It's for for parents, caregivers and whānau, hosted by caregivers – Anna Gundesen, our Tāmaki Makaurau Navigator and Ross and Trish Porter.
Anna has lived experience as a home-for-life mum of a teenage daughter. She brings to the group her group facilitation skills and her professional knowledge of FASD. She says the group is a safe haven for whānau, grandparents, aunts, uncles and biological parents to share and be supported by those who 'get it'.
Trish and Ross are parents of four adult children and grandparents to seven. Their youngest daughter, who joined their family as a 14-month-old and is now 24 years old, lives with FASD.
Four years ago Trish moved to the RTLB (Resource Teacher of Learning and Behaviour) service. Previously she had worked as an SLT (Speech Language Therapist) and as a teacher in a Special School, for ORS (Ongoing Resourcing Scheme) funded students. Trish is part of the FASD-CAN Education Advisory Group.
Ross is on the Board of FASD-CAN and is also our Treasurer. He works in finance, supports his community at the church where this group is based and volunteers part-time as a student mentor.
South Auckland – Papakura
This group meets on the first Wednesday of every month at 10.30am – 12 noon and is supported by Tony Kake at Papakura Marae, 29 Hunua Road, Papakura. It's for parents, caregivers and whānau, hosted by Anna Gundesen and Tracey Johnson.
Tracey is a full-time advocate for her young adult son who has FASD. She was a qualified primary school teacher for 10 years, and has also taught at secondary school level. She has volunteered as a learning support assistant at secondary school level for students who did not qualify for funding in the classroom. She supported the ESOL teacher at the secondary school to prepare and deliver lessons at the students’ educational levels. Tracey is also part of our Education Advisory Group.
For more information on either of these groups, please contact Anna on 021 810 965 or email her at [email protected]
Thames - *NEW GROUP* facilitated by Chantal Cullinane
* Please contact Chantal by text, call or email below to indicate your interest in this new group! The group will meet on the third Wednesday of each month (starting November 20, 2024) from 6pm-7pm at Moanataiari School, 101 Kuranui Street, Thames. Note: this may change according to the group's requirements once established.
Chantal says: I’m mum to five beautiful children – four adults who pretty much fend for themselves and our 10-year-old still at primary school. I’m a registered nurse living and working in Thames. I find the support and resources provided by FASD-CAN be very helpful and look forward to facilitating whānau and caregiver support groups in our community. My goal is to provide a safe space for whānau to share stories and knowledge and just be comfortable amongst others who are having the same experiences.
Central North Island
Kirikiriroa / Hamilton – facilitated by Teesh Dowie-Lewis
* This group will be meeting at Cafe Fresca, 78 Alison Street, Hamilton from 10.15am to 11.45am on the middle Wednesday of each month.
Teesh says: I am passionate about helping people. I’ve worked with children with FASD for over 25 years and have personally cared for more than 60 children in my own home. I support and advocate for FASD children and their whānau to navigate through the systems of OT, Youth Justice, the courts, the Ministry of Education and Te Whatu Ora / the Ministry of Health. My goal is to pinpoint every FASD child's passion, interest or their special gift and extend this to support them to thrive and succeed in their life journey.
Contact Teesh for further info at: [email protected]
Lower North Island
Palmerston North – facilitated by Andrea Neil
This group is new and is keen for new members!

Andrea says: Hi, Andrea, I’m a born-and-bred ‘Palmy’ girl. I live on a little lifestyle block just out of Palmerston North with four generations under the one roof enabling the children to enjoy time with the animals and exploring the bug life.
I would describe myself as a family-oriented individual who strongly believes in an approach to life where strengths are identified and solutions are the key focus. My entire working career has been in disability sector until recently, when I moving into the aged care sector.
Contact Andrea if you're interested in a support group in Palmerston North: [email protected]
Pōneke / Wellington
The Wellington support group is made up of both carers and professionals and aims to meet approximately every two months.
Contact Leigh Henderson if you're interested in joining the Wellington support group: [email protected]
Te Wai Pounamu - The South Island
Ōtautahi / Christchurch – facilitated by Carlie Somerville and Gythlian Loveday
Carlie has a background in caring for troubled youth since she was twenty years old. With whānau members who were gang-affiliated, Carlie went the other way to help kids at risk. She and her husband have fostered many traumatised tamariki, and have run education and alternative work experience programmes here in Aotearoa as well as in a number of South East Asian countries and most recently in Latin America. One of the young people they fostered (who's now in his early twenties) has FASD, so Carlie has now set up the Christchurch caregiver support group. She says, “It’s been great to have a safe place to share ideas and experiences and unload our success and failures. We’re all on the same journey and we all know how hard it can be.”
This group will meet on the middle Wednesday of each month, at Mona Vale Homestead, Mona Vale Ave (off Kilmarnock St) near the Botanic Gardens, from 11am-1.30pm. Please contact Carlie if you're interested in joining at: [email protected].
Ōtepoti / Dunedin – facilitated by Margaret Hemopo (Green Island area)
Margaret and her husband Phillip Hemopo fostered twin boys at 6 weeks old - they're now teenagers who been diagnosed with FASD. Since then they fostered another boy aged six at the time – besides their own two children. This year (2024) they won an 'Excellence in Caregiving' award through Caring Families Aotearoa - click here to read more about this.
Margaret says: "I've been a mum and foster parent for the last 15 years. We've experienced the joys and stresses that go with FASD and ADHD and through working with all the organisations involved with getting the best outcomes for our tamariki."
This group will meet on the first Friday of each month, at St Marks Anglican Church, 27 Shand St Green Island, from 1pm-2.30pm. Please contact Margaret if you're interested in joining at: [email protected] or call / text her on 021 0272 5123.
Waihōpai / Invercargill – *NEW GROUP* facilitated by Andrew Buxton
* Please contact Andrew by text, call or email below to indicate your interest in this new group!
Hi, my name is Andrew Buxton. My wife Liz and I care for 5 foster daughters.
We've been living in Invercargill since 2015, when we returned to NZ from working in volunteer roles overseas. I have an engineering background and worked in the sawmilling industry before becoming a stay-at-home dad around the start of COVID.
Our second oldest, Indy, has just started Southland Girls in Year 7, and is finding it challenging. We think finding a support group that Indy can be part of will be key to her knowing she’s not alone and will give her courage to face the daily challenges she has. This is also true for us parents! A support group in the Invercargill/Southland area would mean that both parents and kids can encourage and support each other – and hopefully find some good friends.
Get in touch to let me know your interest in being part of a local support group so we can figure out the what, when and where details!
Email: [email protected] | Mobile: 021 0289 2787
Other Caregiver Support or Networking Groups
(not hosted by FASD-CAN)
FASD-CAN prides itself on its reputation as the hub of FASD knowledge and support, but we are also aware that other groups offer caregiver support.
Caring Families Aotearoa
Parent to Parent
Grandparents Raising Grandchildren
Disability Connect
Meetings on the first and third Tuesday of every month at 48 Alma Road, Whanganui.
Contact Susan Edgecombe at [email protected] or call her on 021 022 43078.