General Resources: Wellbeing

Here’s a selection of general resources for rangatahi / young people and their caregivers and whānau about wellbeing and mental health. 

Rangatahi Well has a ‘wellbeing kete’ page which brings together lots of self-help websites about all aspects of wellbeing for young people. 

Click here to access the Rangitahi Well website.

Enabling Good Lives (EGL) was set up in Aotearoa a few years ago to shift authority from government to disabled people and their families. EGL is a social movement in response to the oppression of disabled people.

Click here to go to the EGL website.

Care Matters is about the health and wellbeing of family carers and disabled people and provides accessible, relevant learning information, strengthens carer knowledge and improves relationships between carers and disabled people.

Click here to go to the Care Matters website.

Standards and Monitoring Services (SAMS) is a national evaluation, education and leadership development organisation governed and primarily staffed by disabled people and families.

Click here to go to the SAMS website

Whānau Ora is a culturally-based, whānau-centred approach to wellbeing focused on the family group as the decision-makers who determine their own goals and aspirations.

Click here to go to the Whānau Ora website

Are you OK is a website about family violence and has a section for people with disabilities.

Click here to go to this page on the Are You OK website

Community of Action on Youth and Drugs (CAYAD) works to reduce the harm young people experience from alcohol and other drugs in 20 locations throughout Aotearoa. 

Click here to go to CAYAD.

Te Ora Hou Aotearoa is a Māori, faith-based youth and community development organisation working with young people, their whānau, and communities around Aotearoa to empower young people to reach their full potential.

Click here to go to Te Ora Hou to find a group near you.

Mana Inc creates and delivers unique wānanga (workshops) for Māori rangatahi, young people that inspire, enhance and empower. They utilise whanaungatanga (connectedness), manaakitanga (care and support) and rangatiratanga (leadership). 

Click here to go to Mana Inc.