FASD diagnostic services available in Aotearoa
The map below of FASD diagnostic services in Aotearoa New Zealand represents information gathered by FASD-CAN in June 2023 on clinicians in Aotearoa who are currently able to provide an FASD assessment and diagnosis.
When you click on a pin, a window will pop up with information on the service available at that location. Alternatively, click on the list of services to the right which will zoom you in to the location.
Note 1: Please ZOOM IN to see all pins in any area – there are several services in both Auckland and Dunedin for example, but they’re very close together.
Note 2: Please click through on the 'Background to diagnosis in Aotearoa' tab below for further important information.
Note 3: Most of the private services will also travel outside of their region to undertake diagnostic services, so do check all the regions if there is not a service identified in your particular area.
Click on the map below to access interactive pins.

In providing this information, FASD-CAN Inc. is not endorsing the quality of the assessment, diagnostic report, or the other support services offered by these diagnostic service providers.
If you believe there is an error in the information provided or you are aware of other FASD diagnostic services that are not shown on our map, please contact Kim Milne our Principal Advisor asap at: [email protected]