As well as being very helpful for transport, a driver’s licence is an excellent form of ID – and you can apply for it before you turn 18.
This application has a fee.
You must be 16 years old to apply for a learner licence in AoNZ.
There are three stages to getting your driver's licence to keep you and others safe while you get better at driving a car:
- Learner licence
- Restricted licence
- Full licence.
Each stage has specific rules to follow. For example, as a learner driver you are not allowed to drive alone unless you have someone with their full licence in the car. On your restricted licence you are not allowed to drive with others in the car with you, and you are not allowed to drive after 10pm. And you are definitely not allowed to drink ANY alcohol before you drive.
Remember, if you’re under 20 years of age, there is a ZERO alcohol limit when driving. This means if you drive after having just one drink, you can be charged with drink-driving. This can also affect you the morning after a big night out!
Follow these links for more details:
Driver licences | NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi
How to get a learner licence | NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi
Conditions of a learner licence | NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi
This link explains what might happen if you break the rules as a learner: Learner licence demerit points and fines | NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi
Once you finish your restricted driving stage and pass the final test, you are considered to know how to drive safely, and you get your full licence.
• The NZTA app provides simple and secure ways for New Zealanders to access their licence and vehicle information and make payments. More capabilities will be added in the future.
Click here to go to the download page for the NZTA Waka Kotahi app.
• If you are a parent, caregiver or whānau of a rangatahi with FASD, you can find out more about driver’s licences here: Information for parents.