You can access lots of assistance on the AoNZ general Government information website. These resources should be up to date and safe – they won’t be scams. Please ask your trusted adult or support person to help you understand what you need to do to use these services. They are not disability-specific but may be helpful.
NZ Government website
Click here to go to the NZ Government website. Topics include:
- Tax, benefits, finance
- Education
- Work
- Passports, citizenship and identity
- Leaving NZ
- Health
- Family and whānau
- Consumer rights and complaints
- Housing and property
- Transport
- Law, crime and justice
- Recreation and environment
- Engaging with government
Public Trust NZ
Public Trust NZ provides a range of services including wills and ‘enduring powers of attorney’, where the public trust is appointed to make financial decisions on behalf of an adult who has been determined not to have capacity to make those decisions.
Click here to go to the Public Trust website.
NZ Ministry of Justice Tribunals
Tribunals, authorities and committees are legal ways for people to sort out problems and disputes – e.g. tenancy disputes, human rights, legal aid and much more. The Ministry of Justice also regulates organisations such as the alcohol licensing authority, ACC and the Waitangi Tribunal. AoNZ has 24 legislated tribunals.
Click here to go to Tribunals on the Ministry of Justice website.