Did you know that people with FASD are eligible for MedicAlert?
After reading an article about a young man in Ontario whose encounter with the police was better than expected due to his MedicAlert bracelet, we got in touch with MedicAlert here in Aotearoa NZ.
They confirmed they’re happy to include FASD – and even better, they’re keen to help us bring more awareness to FASD here in New Zealand.
The process to sign up to MedicAlert is fairly simple:
• Head to the website and click sign up – an online registration process will lead to a form which you can download and forward to your medical professional (GP, paediatrician, psychologist, paediatrician) to fill in. For adults it’s $120 a year and if an individual is under 15 years old it’s $100 (you may be able to have this funded by WINZ).
• Once these details have been sent to MedicAlert and they are in the medical system, you’ll be issued your choice of bracelet (if non-standard there may be an extra charge) which will have a membership ID number on the back. First responders can access this number and rapidly find essential information about the person – wherever you are in the world.