Ko Ngā Whakataunga Mā Te Whānau, Kaitiaki Hoki | Caregiver & Whānau Support

If you are a foster or adoptive parent and you know (or your think) your child has had prenatal alcohol exposure, we are here for you. If you are a birth parent, we are fully committed to non-judgmental support and advice and we are here for you. If you have had a positive diagnosis of FASD for your tamariki (or even if you haven't, but think it's possible your child may have been exposed to alcohol before birth) – we are here for you.

Almost all of our board members and staff have lived experience of parenting tamariki with FASD, so we get what you may be going through in terms of the brain-based behavioural symptoms of FASD.

Connecting and informing are our main roles, and we provide regular training opportunities for caregivers and whānau. See below for subject-specific information.