What's different about people with FASD?

Every person affected by FASD is unique. Each person will have their own strengths and areas of need, however a person with FASD will generally have a cluster of challenges that affect them in a variety of ways.

• They may have sensory processing problems which is when the brain misinterprets information from the senses: vision, touch, sound, smell, taste and movement – bright lights, loud noises, scratchy clothes or certain smells for example may be unbearable for them.

• They may struggle with self-regulation and managing everyday activities.

• They may struggle with academic learning.

• They may be impulsive and have difficulty understanding consequences.

• They may struggle with relationships and social skills.

Some of this behaviour can mimic that of other brain-based disabilities and in fact we now know that at least 80% of people living with FASD will also have co-occurring ADHD.

However it's important to remember that all people with FASD will have strengths as well as challenges – finding those strengths and building on them positively is what can enable them to live a good life.