Where can I get more info about alcohol and pregnancy?


Your GP or Lead Maternity Carer (midwife) should be a good source of information. If you are struggling to stop drinking, they may refer you to Child Development Services or Alcohol and Drug Services at your local DHB.

An important note is that between 40-50% of pregnancies in Aotearoa New Zealand are unplanned, which means many women from every walk of life may be drinking socially before they realise they are pregnant.

If this occurs, the best advice is to stop drinking immediately and talk to your doctor or midwife. 

You'll find more information and help on the links below.

Read these FAQs about alcohol and pregnancy on the FASDHub website.

The Alcohol and Drug Helpline has service directories and lots of helpful info – check the website or call 0800 787 797

• Alcohol Healthwatch Aotearoa has a downloadable panui/brochure on alcohol and pregnancy here.

• Actionpoint - Communities targeting alcohol harm

More info here from the Te Whatu Ora's 'Amohia te Wiaora' website on alcohol harm. They also have a helpful booklet on stopping drinking which you can download here.

Every Moment Matters is an excellent Australian health campaign launched in 2022 on alcohol and pregnancy

• The National Organisation for FASD in the UK released an alcohol and pregnancy toolkit in June 2023 which includes an interactive e-learning course designed to help midwives and other maternity staff, as well as excellent information in a variety of formats (some interactive) on alcohol and FASD for women who are pregnant or trying to get pregnant. Click here to access the toolkit.