Transitions at school and into work


As with any child, it seems that just when you've got into a routine that's working, it's time to take the next step - and everything changes. For ākonga / students with FASD, coping with these changes can be enormous and overwhelming and for parents – well, the same usually applies!

Here are some links to explore to help with transitions throughout school. 

• Care Matters website: successful transitions throughout school years

• Ministry of Education: lots of info here (aimed at kiako/teachers but good for parents, too) on the MoE's National Transition Guidelines


For teens thinking about moving into tertiary education or work, these sites will be helpful.

• SpectrumCare have programmes to help transition from school into work (along with many other services)

• CCS Disability Action have a helpful downloadable brochure on their website for transitioning from school to work

Workbridge provide help nationally for your rangatahi or adult to find and keep a job


All universities and tertiary education providers have disability services to look after students who may need learning support.

Student Disability Services - The University of Auckland

Disability support services | Manukau Institute of Technology

Disability Support Services - Student Support - AUT

Disability Support Services | Study Support | Unitec

Disability Services – Victoria University of Wellington

Disability Services – University of Canterbury

Disability information and support – University of Otago

Disability services – Massey University