VisAble - new agency for CAPVA in Aotearoa


VisAble is a disabled person-led organisation which was launched in mid-2024. People employed work in the areas of disability rights, safeguarding, adult safeguarding, and the prevention of violence against disabled people.

They are dedicated to ending violence towards tāngata and whānau whaikaha Māori, tagata sa’ilimalo and their āiga-tele, d/Deaf, disabled people, Adults at Risk (across the lifespan) and their families.

Together they have extensive experience and expertise in working with the disability communities, government, police, health, disability and the family violence and sexual violence sectors. Their goal is to create safety and wellbeing and improve outcomes for people who are experiencing violence, abuse and neglect.

VisAble have created a range of CAPVA resources for caregivers and professionals - see below. 

Adults at Risk

No one deserves to live in a violent home and everyone has the right to be safe and supported. The main difference between CPVA and other forms of violence is the parent’s inability to leave the situation to protect themselves as they are still legally responsible for the child’s safety.  This means that they are an Adult at Risk.

An Adult at Risk is:

  • someone who is needed to care for and/or support a disabled person, and
  • is experiencing violence and abuse (or risk of this), and
  • are unable to remove or protect themselves from the abuse (or risk of) because they are needed to care for and/or support a disabled person.

A Safeguarding Adults Response

Each family is unique and requires a tailored and culturally safe response. VisAble recommends a Safeguarding Adults from Abuse (SAFA) multi-agency response. They recognise that that there are limited supports in Aotearoa New Zealand for families living with CPVA. They are working on an action plan to build capability within services to equip and enable them to respond safely and appropriately. You can contact VisAble for advice and support by emailing [email protected] or phone 0800 99 88 58.

Visable Support Group

A support group has been set up for anyone who needs help dealing with the effects of CAPVA.

The CPVA Peer Support Group is open to parents/caregivers throughout the year.

The group is held online via Zoom on the first Monday of every month, 7pm to 8.30pm.

For more informationa and to get your Zoom link, please contact: [email protected]

Find out more by downloading the support group flyer here. 

VisAble resources

VisAble have developed a range of resources for caregivers / parents / grandparents and whānau as well as for professionals supporting whānau dealing with CAPVA. 

Click the links below to download: 

CAPVA Factsheet

CAPVA Report by Lee Tempest of VisAble, August 2024

CAPVA Resource booklet for caregivers, parents, grandparents and whānau

CAPVA Resource booklet for professionals