- 0. Home
- 1. What's New
- 1. Big Quote
- 1. Site intro
- 1. Donate banner
- 1. Member signup banner
- 1. Ko ā mātou mahi | What we do
- 2. we inform
- 2. we educate
- 2. we support
- 2. We advocate
- 2. we connect
- 2. We raise awareness
- 1. Who we are
- 2. About FASD
- 2. About us
- 1. Our Partners
- 1. Member become a volunteer banner
- 0. About us
- 1. About Us - Our Purpose
- 1. About Us - Our Logo
- 1. About Us - Our Weave
- 1. About us action panels
- 2. Caregiver & Whānau Support
- 3. FASD Navigator
- 4. module_advocacy_examples
- 2. Volunteer panel
- 3. Become a Volunteer
- 1. Our Values – read more
- 1. Our Partners
- 1. We are a Charity
- 1. About Us - Our Story
- 1. Advocacy
- 2. The decision to mandate pregnancy warning labels on alcohol
- 2. The recognition of FASD as a disability
- 2. Advocacy Intro
- 2. Action plan for Family Violence
- 2. Abuse in care enquiry
- 2. Learning Support Action Plan
- 2. FASD Action Plan 2016-2019
- 2. Retaining the Children's Commissioner
- 2. The Highest Needs Review
- 2. Voices of individuals with FASD in Aotearoa
- 2. FASD Awareness Day 2022, National Webinar
- 2. Advocacy update: mid-2023
- 2. Ram Raiders submission 2023
- 2. Unpacking the UNCRPD for FASD
- 2. Our six-month advocacy update – Jul-Dec 2023
- 2. Our advocacy in 2024
- 1. module_about_us_our_board
- 1. module_about_us_our_people
- 1. about_us_modules
- 2. Education Advisory Group
- 3. EAG information
- 2. Become a member of FASD-CAN
- 0. Understanding FASD
- 1. Understanding Action Panels
- 2. Understanding Action Panel 1
- 2. Information for Professionals
- 1. Understanding Concertina Tabs
- 2. What is FASD?
- 2. Learn the Basics – Webinar
- 2. Prenatal alcohol exposure and its lifelong impact
- 2. Diagnosis
- 2. Primary Disabilities, Secondary Challenges
- 2. Language to use for FASD
- 2. Can't Not Won't
- 1. module_understanding_fasd_inset_banner
- 1. module helping faq concertina tabs
- 2. module helping faq tab 1
- 2. module helping faq tab 2
- 2. module helping faq tab three
- 2. module helping faq tab four
- 2. module helping faq tab five
- 2. module helping faq tab six
- 2. module helping faq tab seven
- 2. module helping faq tab eight
- 2. module helping faq tab nine
- 2. module helping faq tab ten
- 2. FASD characteristics across the lifespan
- 1. Living with FASD
- 2. Transfer of knowledge – RJ Formanek
- 2. Not Lying... Confabulation
- 2. My brain, me and FASD
- 2. Videos with Attitude
- 2. CJ Lutke: 'This is what I know' blog
- 0. For Caregivers & Whānau
- 1. caregiver action panels
- 2. Understanding FASD
- 2. Resources
- 1. module caregiver whanau tabs
- 2. Parenting a child with FASD
- 3. Communication Strategies
- 3. Sleep issue
- 3. Sensory issues
- 3. Medication
- 3. Meltdowns and Dysregulation
- 3. Toileting issues
- 2. Looking after yourself
- 3. Ideas to nurture yourself
- 3. Mindfulness and meditation
- 3. Care Matters: self-care videos with NZ caregivers
- 3. Eileen Devine : Building Carer Resilience videos
- 3. Dan Dubovsky: Supporting oneself to support others
- 2. Getting an FASD diagnosis
- 3. Background to diagnosis in Aotearoa
- 3. Avoiding stigma
- 3. The diagnostic process
- 3. Pathways to a diagnosis
- 3. Support from other whānau and caregivers
- 3. Why diagnosis is important
- 3. Further reading on FASD diagnosis
- 2. Enabling Good Lives (EGL)
- 2. Funding options
- 2. FASD and the education system
- 3. A quick guide to acronyms
- 3. Pathways to help at school
- 3. Hey Teacher! Downloadable info sheet
- 3. About your child – printable sheet for teachers
- 3. Enabling your child at school
- 3. Inclusive Education
- 3. Home education
- 3. Legal problems at school
- 3. FASD at school: a FASD-CAN education special
- 3. Transitions at school and into work
- 2. Teens and Beyond: Transitions to Adulthood
- 2. Occupational Therapy for FASD
- 2. FASD and mental health
- 2. FASD and sexuality
- 3. Relationships and Sexuality Education (RSE) in NZ schools
- 3. Discussing puberty for caregivers, parents and whānau
- 3. Inappropriate Sexual Behaviour (ISB)
- 3. Podcast: FASD and sexuality on the FASD Success Show
- 3. Pornography and neurodisabililty
- 2. Trouble with the law
- 3. If your young person is detained by police
- 3. Specialist advice and help
- 3. One family's story of the NZ justice system
- 2. Grandparents raising grandchildren
- 2. The role of fathers in FASD
- 2. Planning for Adulthood – how the law can help
- 2. Child and adolescent-to-parent violence and abuse: CAPVA
- 3. VisAble - new agency for CAPVA in Aotearoa
- 3. Article by Professor Anita Gibbs on CAPVA
- 3. CAPVA webinars with Professor Gibbs
- 3. Where to go for immediate help
- 1. caregiver_modules
- 2. Training
- 3. Training for parents and caregivers
- 2. Support Groups
- 3. FASD Support Groups in Aotearoa NZ
- 1. parent_stories
- 2. Jackie's story
- 2. Kim's story
- 2. Professor Anita Gibbs
- 2. RuruHana and Dennis: The Caregivers
- 2. Anna's Story: The Navigator
- 2. FASD-CAN 10th Anniversary – our history, our future
- 2. James' story
- 2. Deb Cole: Kuia Toa
- 0. For Individuals with FASD
- 1. Introduction
- 1. Individuals stories
- 2. Alex O'Keefe (10) talks about FASD
- 2. Miles Himmelreich
- 2. R J Formanek
- 2. Teowai's story
- 2. What's FASD like to live with?
- 2. CJ Lutke's blog
- 2. Gilberto Spencer Podcast
- 2. Bruce's story
- 2. Changemakers
- 2. Kenny LaJoy has written a book!
- 2. How we want you to treat us!
- 2. Your stories – tertiary education
- 2. Rangatahi in Aotearoa - 'ONE THING' videos
- 2. IDP3: Kapiti Coast, September 2024
- 1. module_info_for_individuals
- 2. Teens and Beyond: what you need to know at 18
- 2. Facebook Group for people with FASD – join us now!
- 2. Me and my FASD
- 2. Anxiety Helpline in NZ
- 2. Managing Emotions
- 2. Money Management
- 1. Individuals Action Panels
- 2. Individuals Action Panel 1
- 2. Individuals Action Panel 2
- 1. Independent Living
- 0. For Professionals
- 1. professionals_action_panel_1
- 1. professionals_action_panel_2
- 1. professionals_modules
- 2. Education Networking Group
- 3. About our FASD Ngā Tupu Rau Group
- 4. about_nga_tupu_rau_form
- 4. about_nga_tupu_rau_content
- 2. Social & Support Workers Networking Group
- 0. Resources
- 1. The Handbook (Caregiver Toolkit)
- 1. FASD-CAN webinar recordings 2022
- 1. FASD-CAN Pānui
- 1. In crisis? Helpline numbers for all ages
- 1. FASD-CAN Wallet Cards
- 1. FASD-CAN Navigators
- 1. FASD Learning Support Tool for Educators
- 1. Write to your MP with our template!
- 1. FASD Fact Sheets for Caregivers
- 1. Towards Healthy Outcomes (THO) Framework 2024
- 1. Eyebite Cards – to purchase
- 1. The FASD Project – short film
- 1. FASD Common Messaging Guide
- 1. Alcohol and Pregnancy – UK tool kit
- 1. Every Moment Matters: planning an alcohol-free pregnancy
- 1. Oranga Tamariki Practice Centre
- 1. FASD Diagnostic Guidelines 2024
- 1. FASD-CAN Hui 2023 Recordings
- 1. Eileen Devine: Brain-First Parenting
- 1. FASD Embraced – film project
- 1. IHC library
- 1. Book reviews – FASD in print
- 1. Hui 2022 video recordings
- 1. NZ Government links for FASD
- 1. FASD and the Waitangi Tribunal
- 1. FASD-CAN Lunch & Learn Webinars
- 1. Caregiver tips for holidays!
- 1. The FASD Success Show - Jeff Noble
- 1. FASD Info Sheets – for professionals
- 1. Firstport - Disability Support Resources
- 1. Reframe & Reconsider posters
- 1. The Eight Magic Keys
- 1. School exclusion
- 1. Alcohol Harm in Aotearoa
- 1. 2021 FASD-CAN Annual Hui Presentations
- 1. test paid resource page
- 1. Resources Action Panels
- 2. Resources Action Panel 1
- 2. Resources Action Panel 2
- 1. FASD around the world
- 1. resources_intro
- 1. MedicAlert for FASD
- 0. News & Events
- 1. News
- 2. New Ministry for Disabled People
- 2. Research Grant for FASD
- 2. Commissioners Report says 'breach of human rights'
- 2. FASD Awareness Day, 2021
- 2. Uni of Auckland education survey results in
- 2. New FASD documentary pulls no punches
- 2. PhD on FASD: input required!
- 2. FASD and justice in the news
- 2. FASD International Awareness Day
- 2. Current care practices harming our children: Prof Anita Gibbs
- 2. Northland Principal says 'stuff all' funding for students and teachers
- 2. FASD Awareness Day, 2022
- 2. FASD-CAN Founder works with Oranga Tamariki
- 2. Highest Needs Change Programme
- 2. FASD-CAN at Wellington ODI wananga
- 2. FASD-CAN's Leigh Henderson featured on international podcast
- 2. FASD Education Advisory Group announced
- 2. New FASD Learning & Networking Group for Educators
- 2. New funding for FASD studies
- 2. Heads-up for Human Rights
- 2. Top FASD research articles for 2022 named
- 2. Māori Hui on FASD at Parliament
- 2. ERO report slams alternative schools
- 2. Alcohol: the worst drug in Aotearoa
- 2. Fetal Alcohol Major Issue for Far North – Northland Age article
- 2. IHC Inclusive Education campaign
- 2. FASD Conference in Canada, Nov '23
- 2. FASD-CAN announces new CEO
- 2. The Court of New Beginnings: Judge Tony Fitzgerald
- 2. Massey Uni study shows FASD highest impact for alcohol harm
- 2. FASD caregivers win Excellence in Foster Care award
- 2. A wonderful weekend of rangatahi mahi!
- 2. Health Minister commits to revitalising FASD Action Plan
- 2. FASD-CAN Aotearoa round-up at NOFASD conference
- 2. bFM Radio Interview with FASD-CAN
- 2. FASD-CAN Report: life with – or without DSS
- 2. First professional qualification for FASD in Aotearoa announced
- 2. Annual cost of FASD $4.8 billion
- 2. Unified voices for Disability Support Services
- 2. More Action on FASD
- 2. FASD-CAN Life Membership inaugural recipients announced
- 2. Update on FASD Strategic Action Plan
- 2. Nurture the Future Within Campaign
- 2. Open letter to Government: Kill the Bill
- 2. FASD-CAN's Laptop Fundraiser
- 2. Incoming health minister – article by Anita Gibbs
- 2. Petition for alcohol outlet signage in the news
- 2. FASD front cover on NZ Listener!
- 1. Events
- 2. Ngā Tupu Rau – FASD Learning & Networking Group for Educators
- 2. FASD Training Course for Educators: Kete into Practice
- 3. Kete into Practice Registration
- 2. FASD Learning & Networking Group for Social and Support Workers
- 2. Online Caregiver Support Group
- 2. Dr David Junior Gilbert in Tāmaki Makaurau / Auckland
- 2. Dr David Junior Gilbert in Ōtepoti / Dunedin
- 2. Raja Mukherjee: FASD, co-occurring neurodiversities and misdiagnosis (evening)
- 2. Raja Mukherjee: FASD, co-occurring neurodiversities and misdiagnosis (morning)
- 1. Surveys & Petitions
- 2. Carers Alliance – 'State of Caring' survey
- 2. Carers Alliance – Addressing Loneliness in Aotearoa
- 2. Oranga Tamariki Survey for whānau
- 2. Petition: for alcohol outlets to show warning signs for pregnant women
- 2. Ending Youth Homelessness
- 2. Research on Youth Justice: caregivers and professionals
- 1. Newsletters
- 2. July Newsletter
- 2. April Newsletter
- 2. Christmas 2021
- 2. February 2022
- 2. April 22 Newsletter
- 2. May 2022
- 2. June 2022
- 2. July 2022
- 2. August 2022
- 2. September 2022
- 2. November 2022
- 2. October 2022
- 2. December 2022
- 2. February 2023
- 2. End February 2023
- 2. March 2023
- 2. April 2023
- 2. May 2023
- 2. June 2023
- 2. August 2023
- 2. October 2023
- 2. November 2023
- 2. February 2024
- 2. December 2023
- 2. March 2024
- 2. April 2024
- 2. May 2024
- 2. June 2024
- 2. July 2024
- 2. August 2024
- 2. September 2024
- 2. October 2024
- 2. November 2024
- 2. December 2024
- 1. module news events
- 2. module news
- 2. module surveys
- 2. module_events
- 2. module_newsletters
- 0. Other (folder)
- 1. Get updates
- 1. Donate
- 1. professionals_concertina_tabs
- 2. FASD – the basics
- 3. Te Whatu Ora – FASD for Health Professionals
- 3. Te Pou online resource for frontline professionals: Essential Strategies
- 3. FASD Common Messaging Guide for professionals
- 3. Canadian FASD study: four years, 160 people
- 2. Educators
- 3. Introduction to supporting students with FASD
- 3. LORS not LAWS – support strategy pānui for educators
- 3. FASD Basics For Educators
- 3. Download: FASD Learning Support Tool
- 3. Te Kete Ipurangi - TKI
- 3. FASD-Informed Teaching (FIT) Framework
- 3. Auckland University Survey: FASD in Education, May 2022
- 3. Trauma-informed classroom strategies
- 3. Early Childhood Education: 'Through Different Eyes'
- 3. The Education Hub
- 3. Video: Tracy Jongens, NZ Specialist Teacher (FASD)
- 3. Video: Nate Sheets' Six Tips for Educators
- 3. Self Regulation and Sensory Breaks
- 3. Ideas from a student with FASD!
- 3. Exclusion: the on-going effects and how to avoid it
- 2. Employers
- 3. Workbridge - help for employers
- 3. Video: FASD in the workplace by Oranga Tamariki
- 3. Common workplace problems and solutions
- 2. Police and Justice
- 3. Youth Justice 2024: Prevention Not Detention videos
- 3. Survey: FASD in Justice – Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices
- 3. Essential FASD-informed communication
- 3. Police interview tips for FASD
- 3. Download our Police FASD flyer
- 3. Inclusive Access to Justice – Research Papers
- 3. FASD in NZ Youth Courts – webinar with Judge Tony Fitzgerald
- 3. The Banksia Hill Detention Centre project
- 3. Criminalisation of Individuals with FASD – Dr Valerie McGinn
- 3. FASD and Justice: Academic articles relevant to Aotearoa
- 3. "My FASD Mistakes" – Open Letter From a Lawyer
- 3. FASD and law: tips for court appearances
- 2. Social Workers
- 3. Australian research on FASD and Social Workers, April 2023
- 3. Auckland Uni – FASD survey on social workers
- 3. Te Pou: Essential Strategies for Frontline Professionals
- 3. FASD 'Insight' for Social Workers – Dec 2022
- 3. Oranga Tamariki Practice Centre: FASD
- 3. Dear Support Staff – 11 things to know about me
- 2. Support Workers
- 3. Auckland Uni – FASD survey on support workers
- 3. Te Pou: Essential Strategies for Frontline Professionals
- 3. Oranga Tamariki Practice Centre: FASD
- 3. Tips For Support Workers – Saskatchewan FASD Network
- 3. Dear Support Staff – 11 things to know
- 2. Mental Health
- 3. CanFASD Mental Health Toolkit
- 3. FASD Overview for Mental Health Professionals
- 3. The Psychotropic FASD Medication Algorithm
- 3. Mental Health and Suicide
- 3. FASD-CAN Hui 2023: Mental Health
- 3. FASD-CAN webinar: the Clinician's Perspective
- 3. Communication: remember to KiSSSSSS!
- 3. Book: Clinician's Guide to Diagnosing FASD
- 3. Psychiatry and the Law: Forensic Psychology paper
- 3. Substance use and addictions in mental health
- 2. Substance use and addictions
- 3. Online Course: Substance Use Treatment and FASD
- 3. FASD reading guide for substance use professionals
- 3. Ten points to consider for professionals treating those with FASD
- 3. Natascha Lawrence on FASD and substance use
- 2. Occupational Therapists
- 2. Training for professionals
- 1. Join
- 1. Contact Us
- 1. Media Enquiries
- 1. Privacy Policy and Statement
- 1. Kete into Practice 2025 payment
- 1. sitemap
- 1. sitemap_xml
- 1. Teens and Beyond
- 2. module teens and beyond tabs
- 3. Teens and Beyond: Introduction
- 3. Now you are 18: The Law
- 4. What you're now allowed to do!
- 4. Public places – behaving badly
- 4. Drug offences
- 4. Stop and think!
- 3. Identification, Checks and Licences
- 4. Checks
- 4. Getting your driver's licence
- 3. Privacy and Consent
- 3. Further education
- 4. Disability contacts for NZ Universities and Polytechs
- 3. Employment and Employee Assistance
- 3. Needs Assessment and Support
- 3. Income Support
- 3. Taxation
- 3. Money and Banking
- 3. Housing and Living Arrangements
- 3. Legal Assistance and Advocacy Support
- 3. Government Services
- 3. General Resources: Wellbeing